Connection description Mitel MiVoice Business
The configuration masks described in this article refer to Mitel MiVoice Business
Mitel calls the CDR interface SMDR (Station Message Detail Recording). The CDR are provided via a TCP/IP interface. To do this, AlwinPro establishes a connection to Mitel MiVoice Business (the default port is: 1752).
Settings of the Mitel MiVoice Business telephone system
The settings in the Mitel MiVoice Business for SMDR are described here.
The Mitel MiVoice Business can be configured with many options, which also influence the SMDR. In order for the data to be processed correctly, it is important to ensure that the options specified by aurenz are configured. The SMDR options can be found under “System Properties → System Feature Settings → SMDR Options”.
The options can be edited using “Change”.
The script for processing the SMDR is adapted to the following options (this view can be accessed via “Print → Preview”):
Please adjust the SMDR options of your Mitel MiVoice Business according to these specifications.
In addition, “Class of Service” (“System Properties → System Feature Settings → Class of Service Options”) must be set to generate SMDR. This must be set separately for each “Class of Service”.
Connection of AlwinPro via Ethernet
Installation of the AlwinPro software
Start the setup and follow the instructions displayed in the installation routine. After installation, you will be asked whether you would like to install the connection to the telephone system immediately or later. Select "Install now" and carry out the following steps (all settings can be changed or added later via the configuration interface).
Selecting the telephone system
When selecting the data source, set:
Type: Telephony
Manufacture: Mitel
Model: MiVoice Business
Connection type: Ethernet – script interpreter
Setting the parameters
It is important to set the location of the telecommunications system. The data source can be saved with its own name.
Ethernet parameters
Now the IP address/DNS name and the port can be entered through which the TK system can be reached (an “active” connection from AlwinPro to Mitel is set up).
The default port 1752 is preassigned.
The script (with path) is specified in the next window. The corresponding script is already preselected here.
Clicking “Finish” ends the wizard and starts the program.
Setting data recording via the configuration interface
Start the AlwinPro data recording and log in. Use the menu item “Data source → Setup” to specify the telephone system used. If this was not already done during the installation of AlwinPro, select “New” on the left and follow the steps described in the “Connecting AlwinPro via Ethernet” section through.
General Tab (Optional)
This tab allows you to enter a customer-specific name for the Mitel MiVoice Business; the assigned data recording is pre-assigned and does not need to be changed.
PBX Tab (Optional)
This tab is used to determine the location of the telephone system and the network provider used, which is used to calculate the price of individual telephone calls.
Please note
The settings of the network provider used are made in the AlwinPro administration under File / Program setup / Network carriers. Further descriptions can be found in the AlwinPro manual.
The settings in the Access tab have no relevance to Mitel MiVoice Business.
Time Period Tab
Use this tab to specify on which days of the week and at what times the data from Mitel MiVoice Business is processed. → Recommendation for interval: “Permanent connection” (in the case of an AlwinPro Hotel/Care installation, the Permanent connection is preconfigured when the data source is created).
Note: With this data source, the data is constantly received by the Mitel Mitel MiVoice Business. This means that there is a program part running in the background that constantly receives the data and writes it to a file. Every minute such a file is completed (if data has been received) and the file is moved to the directory from where the data will be processed (see "Scan Directory" tab).
Thus, the time window only determines when the data will be “processed”. It is not specified here when data will be received by the Mitel MiVoice Business, as this happens all the time.
Script Tab (Optional)
On this tab you specify the path name to the script file (this is automatically preset correctly during installation via the wizard)
TCP/IP Settings Tab
On this tab you specify the port (and if necessary the IP address) through which the telephone system and AlwinPro exchange data.
For information about these settings, see “Mitel MiVoice Business phone system settings” above.
Extensions Tab (Optional)
Option to set which extensions should be used for call processing.
Fax Extensions Tab (Optional)
When using the fax extensions option, the prefix(s) of the fax boxes are entered here.
Example: Müller extension = 115 / Müller fax box = 98115
This feature is not supported by all telecommunications systems!
Trunk Seizure Tab (Optional)
When calculating the trunk utilization, it is important whether the trunk is busy or not while ringing. What needs to be set here depends on the type of trunk line (ISDN / SIP) and the network provider used.
Testing the installation
Have a conversation with Mitel MiVoice Business.
Important: It can now take approx. 1-2 minutes until the conversation is available and can be processed. Since the system sends the CDR via TCP/IP, they are first collected in AlwinPro and a file is written every 1 minute. Only now can the data record be processed by AlwinPro.
Start the AlwinPro data collector and open the Data source overview window using the menu item “Data source → Overview”. Mark your telephone system and now select the menu item “Data sources → Data record monitor”.
If the data source is not set to "Permanent connection", select "Data sources → Connect" in the menu so that the collected data is processed.
You can check the transmission using the two monitor windows. The transfer of data is displayed in the Overview Monitor window and its interpretation in the Data Record Monitor window.
The data record monitor should be closed after the tests are completed.
Error analysis
No data is received
Check whether the TCP/IP connection exists
To do this, open a DOS box (CMD) and run the command “netstat -an”. This will display the list of connections. Now search the list for the SMDR connection to the Mitel (IP address and port - the Default port is 1752). This connection should be displayed as “Established”.
In the example below, the Mitel has the IP address and the SMDR port is 1752.
Check whether data is being received (if no data is received in the billing)
Data reception in AlwinPro takes place in two stages:
Receive the data and save it to a file (regardless of whether the data source is connected). After a certain time, the files will be moved to the “FTP directory”.
The data source processes the files in the FTP directory when the data source connects.
You can now check whether data is being received. In addition:
First look in the FTP directory to see whether there are any files there. The default path is “FTP/MiVoice” (however, it can be checked differently in the data source in the “Scan directory” tab).
If there are still files there, start processing (i.e. connect the data source).
Here is an example where there is still a file in the “FTP/MiVoice” directory.You can also check whether the data is written to the temporary directory. To do this, display the “PbxBuffers” directory. If a conversation is now held and ended with Mitel, it immediately sends the data via TCP/IP. Now a file “TCPReceiverData_xxx.bin” should appear in the “PbxBuffers” directory. After about 1 minute this should disappear again and a file should have been created in the FTP directory.