Connection description Hotel/Care for Mitel MiVoice Business


The Hotel/Care functionality (Class of service, ...) is carried out using the MiXML interface.

Note: The actual communication with the Mitel MiVoice Business is carried out using a help program (“MitelMiVoiceBusinessMiXML.exe”). However, this program is not visible and the user does not interact with it. This is only listed here for the sake of completeness.

What is used in the Mitel for the different functionalities will now be briefly described. Please see the “Functionality” chapter (below) for more details:

Class of service change

To do this, the “Class of Restriction” is switched (see also the “Class of Restriction” section below).


If a Check-OUT is carried out for a room:

  1. In the “User Profile” the “Last Name” is filled with the name from “Service Profile - Service Label” and “First Name” is emptied.

  2. In the “Service Profile” the “Directory Name” with the name taken from “Service Profile - Service Label”.

If a Check-IN is carried out:

  1. In the “User Profile” the “Last Name” and “First Name” are filled with the guest/patient name.

  2. In the “Service Profile” the “Directory Name” is filled with the guest/patient name.

Telephone number transfer

Telephone number transfer is implemented using “DID Service Number”. This means that the AlwinPro extension is entered in the “DID Service Number” field for the Mitel user/extension.

Optionally (default: active) you can set whether the “Use DID for Outgoing Calls” option should be set in the Mitel.

Configure Mitel MiVoice Business

Create MiXML user

A user is required to access the Mitel via the MiXML interface. This is created under “System Properties → System Administration → User Authorization Profiles”.


A new user can now be created using “Add”.

For example, a user “aurenz” is created who has the appropriate authorizations. This must be configured as follows:


Class of Restriction

The Class of service changes the “Class of Restriction” for the users/extensions, which regulates whether a guest/patient is allowed to make external calls.

This switches between 2 “Class of Restriction”. This means that 2 “Class of Restriction” must be configured accordingly in the Mitel.

Note: A description of how to configure these “Class of Restriction” is not given here. Please refer to the Mitel documentation.

Data source configuration

In the data source, access to the Mitel MiVoice Business MiXML interface is configured in the "Hotel/Care" tab. The access data for the MiXML interface must be entered here.


  • Server IP / name: IP address or DNS name of the Mitel MiVoice Business.

  • User name: The created user who has access to the MiXML interface (user which was described in the “Creating MiXML user” section).

  • Password: Password of the created user.

  • Timeout (seconds): Since TCP/IP connections can sometimes experience “disturbances”, this timeout is used. This means that after this timeout, the executed action is aborted and treated as “erroneous”. The value should only be changed after consulting Aurenz.

  • Allow external calls: “Class of Restriction”, which allows external conversations.

  • Block external calls: “Class of Restriction”, which DOES NOT allow external calls.

  • Signal extension to external: Sets the option “Use DID for Outgoing Calls” in the Mitel (only available if Telephone number transfer is activated in the basic settings).

Using “Test access” you can check whether a connection to Mitel can be established using the MiXML interface with the entered parameters. If the connection is successful, the message below should appear, otherwise a corresponding error message.


The functionality (Class of service change, Telephone number transfer, etc.) is presented using examples below.

We assume the following simple example configuration:

Example configuration


2 rooms are used:

  • “Room 1000” with extension 1000

  • “Room 2000” with extension 2000

The range 3000-3005 is configured for Telephone number transfer.

In the data source, the “Class of Restriction” is configured as follows:

Mitel MiVoice Business

The Mitel is configured analogously:

  • “Room 1000” with extension 1000

  • “Room 2000” with extension 2000

No Telephone number transfer

The functionality is described below if Telephone number transfer is NOT used. This means that in AlwinPro the “Telephone number transfer” item is deactivated in the basic settings.

Check in

The patient “Alina Solo” is checked into room 1000.

The following things will now be changed in the Mitel:

  • User Profile - Last Name: Solo

  • User Profile - First Name: Alina

  • Service Profile - Directory Name: Solo,Alina

  • Service Details - Class of Restriction: 1 (for all 3 areas - Day, Night1, Night2)

Class of service change

If an Class of service change occurs (e.g. because the threshold/limit is reached), the “Class of Restriction” is switched.

Check out

The patient “Alina Solo” is checked out again.

The following things will now be changed in the Mitel:

  • User Profile - Last Name: Room 1000 (here the value is taken from “Service Profile - Service Label”)

  • User Profile - First Name: empty

  • Service Profile - Directory Name: Room 1000 (here the value is taken from “Service Profile - Service Label”)

  • Service Details - Class of Restriction: 2 (for all 3 areas - Day, Night1, Night2)

With Telephone number transfer

The functionality is described below when Telephone number transfer is used. This means that in AlwinPro the item “Telephone number transfer” is activated in the basic settings.

Check in

The patient “Alina Solo” is checked into room 1000.

The following things will now be changed in the Mitel:

  • User Profile - Last Name: Solo

  • User Profile - First Name: Alina

  • Service Profile - Directory Name: Solo,Alina

  • Service Details - Class of Restriction: 1 (for all 3 areas - Day, Night1, Night2)

  • Service Details - DID Service Number: 3000

  • Service Details - Use DID for Outgoing Calls: (Optional) set if “Signal extension to external” is activated in the data source.

This means that the “extension” is also set as the DID here.

Class of service change

If an Class of service change occurs (e.g. because the threshold/limit is reached), the “Class of Restriction” is switched.


The patient now moves from “Room 1000” to “Room 2000”.

A “Check-OUT” was carried out in “Room 1000” (i.e. the fields were reset - the “DID Service Number” was also removed) and a Check-IN was carried out in “Room 2000”. This means that “Room 2000” now has the “DID Service Number” 3000.

Check out

The patient “Alina Solo” is checked out again.

The following things will now be changed in the Mitel:

  • User Profile - Last Name: Room 1000 (here the value is taken from “Service Profile - Service Label”)

  • User Profile - First Name: empty

  • Service Profile - Directory Name: Room 1000 (here the value is taken from “Service Profile - Service Label”)

  • Service Details - Class of Restriction: 2 (for all 3 areas - Day, Night1, Night2)

  • Service Details - DID Service Number: empty

  • Service Details - Use DID for Outgoing Calls: (Optional) deactivated if “Signal extension to external” is activated in the data source.


The commands for the hotel/care functionality can be seen in the “Script Interpreter” monitor.


Corresponding logs are written in the “Logs” directory:



Additional info



Additional info

Data collector service


Maximum 10 files 1 MB

Data collector


Maximum1 file a 1 MB



Maximum1 file a 1 MB

Error analysis

Incorrect IP address

If, for example: an incorrect IP address is specified for the Mitel, the following appears under “Test access”:

Incorrect username/password

The following message is output:


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