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Backup and Restore
Die Sicherung der Daten in UC-Analytics kann über zwei Wege erfolgen:
- With the Data Backup module included in UC-Analytics. Find it in the UC-Analytics program group.
- Or by using an external backup program.
Manuelle Sicherung und Zurückspielen gesicherter Daten
Manual backup and restoring backed up data
Starten Sie die manuelle Sicherung über „Datensicherung" im Startmenü unter aurenz Software oder durch öffnen der AlwinBackUp.exe im Installationsverzeichnis über die rechte Maustaste als Administrator.
Folgende Sicherungsvarianten sind verfügbar:
If the backup is larger than 650 MB, partial backups are created. This can be recognized by the two letters before the extension ".cab". In our example, the name of the second partial backup would be APBACKA2019010100-11.2.02
Data transfer to a new installation.
- Start the UC Analytics module Data Backup with the right mouse button as administrator.
- In the Data Backup window, select the TAB "Restore backed up data".
- Enter the file to be restored and start the back-up.
Restore old data files
If an old database is to be restored, a complete backup can be imported - In order to preserve the current data stock, a complete backup should be made before restoring old data stocks.
WARNING: Please note that when only restoring call data, for example, the current network carrier tariffs are being used. If old tariffs are to be used for the calculation, these must also be restored or imported.
Data Backup Automation
Menu item Setup/Automatic Data Backup
The configuration can be adjusted under "scheduled reports". The target directory must be created in advance and is not created automatically. The automated data backup is managed by the data collector service. This service or the user account that starts the service needs sufficient rights to the target directory.
Data backup with external Backup Programs
For data backup via an external backup program, the database must be locked for all other accesses during this time, and then released again. This is possible with the AlwinLock.exe in the program directory of the aurenz software.