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The configuration wizard contains fewer configuration options than the properties dialog that appears when you re-open the report configuration. Normally, the configuration options of the wizard are sufficient.

Example 1: Itemized Bill of Business Calls for each Department (


3rd Organisation Chart Level) to each Department by Email

Goal: to create one report that will be executed for all departments. The report should display single business calls with date/time, destination number, city name, duration and costs for each employee in the various departments. Every supervisor should receive the report concerning his/her department as PDF via email.


Leave the other fields like they are and continue with "next ".

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The “change on execution" option


Page "Name": Last but not least, the report must be given a descriptive name (this is also used as email subject if no subject is explicitely is set). The field "owner" can be used to specify whether the report can be accessed by other UC-Analytics users or if it is only available for the user currently logged in. If the option "Show in Quick Launch Bar" is selected, the report appears in the quick launch bar under the corresponding group selected in the "in group" field.

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Click "apply" to save the report. You can view the result as a preview by clicking the "start reportExecute report" button and then "preview" - this will start the preview of the report which is displayed directly in this window.


titleThe Properties Window contains more Options

If you open the properties window of for a report, you will find additional configuration options. These options are necessary for special applications only, and are therefore not included in the wizard for creating new reports.

Example 2: Total of Business Calls for each Subscriber per Cost Centre (2nd Organisation Chart Level), made available via the Web Suite


Mail Box

Goal: A report is to be created and executed for each departmentcost centre which is on the 2nd level of the organisation chart. The report should display the business calls as a total (duration and amount) for each employee in the various departmentscost centre. Every department manager should have the report for his/her department available to download via the Web Suite post box.


Page "Form": To get a report with totals per subscriber, select "total(s) subscriber(s)Sum Subscriber" in the field "row contentsContent of rows" on the first page. You can use the field "form type" to select which form to be base for the report. You can see a corresponding preview of the selection in the form preview. Use the field "new New page byafter" to specify the organisational level on which the report is to be summarised. The "recipient" of the report will also be defined with this setting. Since we want to generate a report for each cost centre, select the organisational chart level for the "cost centre", here Level 2 in the field "new page byafter". If you leave this field at "entire company", you would receive one report of all subscribers. In the field "group by" you use the "department" selection to specify that the call data is listed in blocks for each subscriber Level 3 which is in our example the level where the departments are located. With this setting, all subscribers belonging to one department will be listed in the same group (block) within the report. With the "Show subtotal per group" option, a subtotal of the number of calls, call duration and costs are displayed for each blockgroup.

We leave the other fields as they are and continue with "Next >".

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Page organisation chart: Select the top element on the "organisation chart" page to consider all cost centres (items on level 2) in the organisation chart. In the first dialog, using the field "New page new byafter" you have defined which organisation chart level the report is based on.


The configuration of the page date, article, filter phone, options, execution plan and name corresponds to the configuration from the first example. Since we do not want to send this report by email, but to the Web Suite post box of the respective users, we have to make the appropriate configuration on the output page:Seite Ausgabe:  Auf der Seite "Ausgabe" können Sie nun zum einen festlegen in welcher Form der Report generiert werden soll, als PDV oder als CSV Datei und zum anderen auf welchem Weg der Report zugestellt werden soll. Wir wollen, dass der Report an das WebSuite Postfach des Kostenstellenverantwortlichen der jeweiligen Kostenstellen versendet wird. Dafür wollen wir nicht für jede Kostenstelle einen eigenen Report anlegen, sondern dieser Report soll automatisch für jede Kostenstelle (innerhalb der Organigramm-Auswahl) generiert und an den jeweiligen Kostenstellenverantwortlichen an das WebSuite Postfach versendet werden. Dass über eine Auswertungskonfiguration jeweils ein Report für jede Kostenstelle generiert wird, haben wir erreicht indem wir auf der Seite "Formular" die Option "Seite neu" auf "Kostenstellen" gesetzt haben. Für die Verteilung der Reporte kann man hier nun für die Ausgabe einen Empfänger explizit angeben oder man setzt die Option "An Rechnungsempfänger". Wählt man diese Option, so wird der Report an das WebSuite Postfach des Anwenders mit der Email-Adresse versendet, die im entsprechenden Organigramm-Element eingetragen ist, für die der Report erstellt werden soll. Hier die Email-Adresse des Kostenstellenverantwortlichen die im Organigramm-Elemente der Kostenstellen eingetragen ist. Auf diese weise kann man die Auswertungen automatisch an die entsprechenden "Rechnungsempfänger" versenden. Für den Email-Body könnte man im Feld "E-Mail Text" eine Textdatei angeben, deren Inhalt als Text im Body der Nachricht verwendet werden würde. Die Textdatei kann man auf den Server hochladen indem man im Feld auf den "Browse" Button klickt. Es öffnet sich dann ein Datei-Auswahl-Dialog für die Auswahl einer bereits auf dem Server hinterlegten Datei. Über Kontextmenü und den Eintrag "Neue Datei" kann man eine lokal gespeicherte Datei zum Server hochladen und dann im Dialog auswählen.mail box of the respective users, we have to make the appropriate configuration on the output page:

Page Output: On the "output" page, you can now specify the format (PDF or CSV file) in which the report is to be generated, and how the report is to be delivered. We want the report to be sent to the Web Suite post mail box - to the cost centre manager - of each respective cost centre. However, we do not want to create a separate report for each cost centre. The report should be generated and send automatically to each cost centre manager (within the organisation chart selection). We have accomplished for one report to be generated for each cost centre via the report configuration. Here on the page “formForm”, we set the “new New page after” – option on “cost centres” Level 2 (cost centres). For the distribution of the reports, you can now explicitly specify one recipient for the output, or select the option "to invoice list recipient". If this option is selected, the report is sent to the Web Suite post mail box of the user with the corresponding email address defined in the organisation chart element for which the report is to be created. Here it is the email address of the person responsible for the cost centre whom is entered in the organisation chart elements of the cost centrelevel 2. This is how the reports can be sent to the corresponding "invoice list recipients" automatically. For the email body you can specify a text file in the field "email Email text". The text file content would then be used as text in the body of the message. The text file can be uploaded to the server by clicking the "browse" button in the field. A file selection dialog will then open for selecting a file already stored on the server. Via the context menu and the entry "new file" a locally stored file can be uploaded to the server and selected in the dialog.

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titleWeb Suite Users are identified through their Email Address

The UC-Analytics WebSuite user as recipient for the report is defined through it's email address. Even the report shall not be send by email one has to use the user's email address to define him/her as the recipient. 

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If no "email subject" is selected, the name of the report is used as title.

With the option "all invoice recipients in one file" we can achieve that all reports will be generated into one file again. The report would then be sent to the first recipient. This setting only makes sense if the report should be sent to one single recipient. Please note that the option "delete file after sending email" is set if you do not want to save the PDF on the server for other purposes.

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After executing the report, each cost centre manager receives a message in the mailbox with the respective PDF as an attachment:

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Statistic Reports
