Page "Filter Tel.": On these two pages you can define the call directions relevant for the report, the distance zones, which trunk lines the calls were made via, and the used network carrier tariff. Since we only want to look at the calls that cause costs, select "external outgoing calls" and "use all distances" as relevant call direction. You could use the distance zones to define a report that for instance only considers international calls. Leave the other filter options at their default values.
On the "Filter Tel. II" page you will find a selection of "call markers", if the use of "call markers" is enabled via the basic settings in the administration tool. A call marker can only be defined via the administration tool and is a filter for the total amount of data records. For example, one filter can be defined for calls that last longer than X seconds, and another filter for calls that are more expensive than X €. If several call markers are selected, then each one is applied individually for the total amount of data records. A combination of several call markers is thus considered an OR and not an AND of the individual filter conditions. If, in addition to the call marker filters, additional filter criteria have been defined on the page "options", the call markers filters are applied first and based on that dataset the criteria of the options page are appied.