Versionen im Vergleich


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The basic difference between accounting reports and statistical reports is that in the accounting reports, the data is always displayed in table form. The table columns, the header and footer areas and the layout of the report are determined by so-called forms, which are referenced when the report is configured. By the accounting reports the call charges and the call duration are essential, and a distinction is made between total reports and detailed reports. In the detailed reports, individual call data records and individual fields are issued, whereas in total reports, the call data records and their fields are only issued as “totals”. What the totals refer to must be specified in the report: there are sums per organisation chart level, per distance zone or per target number.

Beispiel einer Detailauswertung:

Example of a detailed report:

Beispiel einer Summenauswertung auf AbteilungsebeneImage Added

Example of a department level total report

Beispiel Summenauswertung auf Basis von Zielnummern (Kundennummern)Image Added

Total report based on target numbers (customer numbers)

Image Added

Erstellen einer neuen Accounting-Auswertung
