A wizard for the configuration of the new report will open. On the first page "Form", the field "contents of the lines" is used to define whether the report should be a total or detailed report. Have a look to the preview to see what the report will look like with the parameters defined on this page. The selected form is important here. The form is used to define both the table contents (column fields) and the layout (header and footer) of the report. The UC-Analytics is delivered including a number of ready-made forms. See if you can find a suitable form. If not, it is possible to modify an existing form or to create a new form from scratch. To do this, the Form Editor can be used in the administrator tool.
Wählen Sie als erstes also ob es eine Detail oder Summenauswertung werden soll. Bei Summenauswertungen definieren Sie gleich auf welcher Basis die Summe gebildet werden soll (Organigrammebene, Zielnummer, Entfernungszone):
First of all, within the field "contents of the lines" choose whether it should be a total or a detailed report. For the total reports, you define the basis on which the total is to be calculated (organisational chart level, target number, distance zone):