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Probleme nach der Installation

Installation issues

Here you will find some problems that may occur during the installation. You will find further assistance and explanations in the FAQ section on our website Please ensure that the user account (the account being used for the installation) has administrative rights in the local system. In addition, right-click to start the installation wizard ("setup.exe") and the option "run as administrator".

Probleme bei Ausführung der Dienste und oder Applikation

Difficulties with the execution of services and/or application


Depending on which communication system are being used, the aurenz software might not be able to read a small part of the data records - check this via the error-record.dat. To ensure a smooth transmission, make sure that the communication between the communication system and the aurenz software is working properly (router / firewall / hardware). Another typical cause for problems could be a configuration change or an update of the communication system - if the format or the structure of the data records changes, the changes must also be adapted to the aurenz software. If you can’t find out what’s causing the problem, please send us the error-record.dat, the data record monitor and, if available, the Error-x.log files (in the logs folder of the aurenz software installation directory). Send an e-mail to also including the details of the connection type, system type, system release and a problem description.


Back-Up and Restore Data

Die Sicherung der Daten in der aurenz Software kann über zwei Wege erfolgen:
