Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


It is important to set the correct location of the pbx outbreak if you want to use the accounting features. Based on the location of the outbreak and the call destination the call costs will be calculated.

Configuration setting for the STARFACE module

The parameters have the following meaning:


Start the UC-Analytics data collector and open the data source overview window through the menu item "Telephone Systems Data source → Overview". Highlight your telephone system and select the menu item "Telephone systems Data source → Data set record monitor". Make some test calls via STARFACE. If the data source is not set to "permanent connection", select "telephone systems → connectpress the menu button "connect now" in the menu bar, so that the collected data will data will be processed. You can check the transfer using the two monitor windows. The overview monitor window shows the transfer of the data and the data set monitor window shows its interpretation of each data record itself.

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The data set monitor should be closed after the tests are completed.
