Versionen im Vergleich


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Go to the item module library where the already installed modules are listed. If the module STARFACE_CDRConnector_v114 is not available here, it must be imported. To do this, select the item import module and choose the corresponding "sfm" file under install module via upload (in this case, it is the file "STARFACE_CDRConnector_v114.sfm" - the file name may differ). Press next to import the module.

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Create configuration Aurenz CDR Connector

The previous process only imports the module, but does not yet create a configuration. To create a configuration, please click new configuration under module configuration and select "STARFACE_CDRConnector_vxxx". By clicking create, a new configuration for this module is created.

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Here, some adjustments are necessary:

  • Under general a name must be given, (e.g.: "Aurenz-CDR-Connector") then press apply.
  • In addition, a password must be assigned for communication. To do this, set an appropriate password in configuration under password protection and press apply.
  • The parameters name and password are required when configuring the data source in UC-Analytics and they must match!

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Setup a data source to connect to the STARFACE
