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If you experience difficulties starting the aurenz services or any of the Windows applications, we recommend the following procedure:

Check the rights of the MS Windows user account used for the installation:

  • Equip the user with local administrative rights and start the installation again with a right click and the option "run as administrator".

Prüfen der Berechtigungen des in den aurenz Diensten hinterlegten Benutzerkontos:

Versehen Sie den Dienste-Benutzer mit lokalen administrativen Rechten und dem Recht „Anmelden als Dienst". Prüfen Sie, ob das Problem weiterhin besteht.

Check the rights of the user account that is stored in aurenz services:

  • Provide the service-user with local administrative rights and the right "log in as service". Check whether the problem has been resolved.
  1. Prüfen der Berechtigungen des angemeldeten MS Windows Benutzerkontos:

Versehen Sie den Benutzer mit lokalen administrativen Rechten und prüfen Sie, ob das Problem weiterhin besteht.

Check the rights of the logged-in MS Windows user account:

  • Provide the user with local administrative rights and check if the problem has been resolved


Log in to the Windows system with the user account used for the aurenz services. The first time you log in, a local user profile will be created, which may be necessary under certain circumstances.



Stop the service causing the problem and start the associated application (e.g. data collection) with administrative rights.
