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  • Under general a name must be given, (e.g.: "Aurenz-CDR-Connector") then press apply.
  • In addition, a password must be assigned for communication. To do this, set an appropriate password in configuration under password protection and press apply.
  • The parameters name and password are required when configuring the data source in UC-Analytics and they must match!

titleProcedure for setting the password
Specifying the password requires a special procedure in STARFACE, as otherwise it will not be correctly adopted:
* Go to the "Configuration" page and enter the password in the "Password protection" field
Then hit "Save" (NOT "Apply")
If you now go back to the module, there are several points in the "Password protection" field. On the other hand, if the field is empty, then the password was not correctly adopted!

Setup a data source instance to connect to the STARFACE
