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The Presence Hub Cloud service will be connected to the innovaphone cloud through the innovaphone's Websocket interface.
Prepare your innovaphone cloud instance
To be able to use the Websocket interface, this must be configured accordingly in innovaphone. The steps are as follows:
Setup an App-Login
To do this, a new "App object" must be created in the innovaphone PBX with the following parameters:
Name: "Aurenz-PresenceHub" (this can of course be any name. In this description, however, it is assumed that "Aurenz-PresenceHub" was used).
Hidden: The "app" should NOT appear in the myApps client.
PbxApi: As we use the PbxApi for presence synchronization, this must be activated.
Admin: Since we retrieve additional information (e.g.: e-mail address, etc..) (possibly also set for CFB), we need this access
Visibility konfigurieren
In order for the "Aurenz-PresenceHub" app to have access to the presence information of the individual users, this must be configured accordingly like it is shown in the following screenshot. Instead of doing this for a single user, this can of course also be done using "Templates".
Go to the "Visibility" item in the "User" object list and make an "Aurenz-PresenceHub" entry with the corresponding options activated (see screenshot).
Einrichten - Call forward based on Presence
Da wir den Presence Status umschalten und damit erreichen wollen, dass keine Anrufe zum Anwender durchgestellt werden, muss dies entsprechend konfiguriert werden. Dazu sind folgende Einstellungen bei den Anwendern zu setzen:
Im User-Objekt in der innovaphone ist im Reiter “User” die Option “Call forward based on Presence” zu aktivieren
Since we want to switch the presence status and thus ensure that no calls are getting through to the user, this must be configured accordingly. In the User object in the innovaphone, the option "Call forward based on Presence" must be activated in the "User" tab:
Call forwarding on busy (CFB) must be entered in the user object. This is shown as an example in the screenshot below (the actual values are of course customer-specific).